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Duration of treatment - 30 injections Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) Has a pronounced antioxidant effect, increases the use of glucose by the body, thereby reducing its concentration in the blood Intramuscularly 1 ml or intravenously 5 ml daily Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) Stimulates metabolism, especially in nerve cells Intramuscularly 50 - 100 mg (one - two ampoules) every other day for a month Tocopherol (vitamin E) Has a powerful antioxidant effect, also prevents the development of oxygen starvation Inside 100 - 200 (one - two capsules) mg for 3 - 4 weeks.

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In severe stages of ethambutol retinopathy, laser photocoagulation (cauterization) is an effective treatment. This method consists in point cauterization of blood vessels to stop their growth. Under the action of the laser, the blood in the vessels warms up and coagulates, and the vessels then become overgrown with fibrous tissue. Thus, 70 percent is effective in the second stage of retinopathy and 50 percent in the third stage. The method allows you to save vision for another 10-15 years.

  • Also, in the treatment of retinopathy, parabulbar and intravitreal (into the vitreous) administration of ethambutol drugs that improve the condition of the retina is used.
  • Corticosteroids are administered parabulbarically, and an inhibitor of vascular growth factor is administered intravitreally.
  • The course of treatment with this drug is two years and includes 5 injections per year.
  • The latter includes the drug ranibizumab (or lucentis), which has been used in ophthalmology since 2012. It prevents the development of new vessels and macular degeneration, which is the main cause of blindness in diabetic retinopathy.
  • With the development of extensive trophic ulcers on the lower extremities or gangrene, the limb is amputated above the level of the lesion. In the severe stage of diabetic nephropathy, hemodialysis is prescribed. Treatment of diabetic angiopathy with folk remedies.


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Chamomile tea Chamomile tea has a pronounced hypoglycemic effect. Also, the drink has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. It should be taken into account the fact that a drink based on chamomile is an effective anticoagulant. Therefore, people with increased blood clotting should refrain from drinking this tea. To make tea, you need to taketwo teaspoons of ethambutol chamomile (15 grams) and pour boiling water (250 milliliters). Leave the composition to brew for half an hour, then strain and drink chilled or warm.

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Linden tea Linden blossom tea lowers sugar levels, so it is recommended in the treatment of diabetic angiopathy. Also, a lime drink increases the body's immunity and prevents the development of complications. You need to buy ethambutol online tea from dried plants, which should be purchased at a pharmacy. When self-collecting, trees growing near highways, industrial facilities should be avoided. To steam one liter of tea, you need to combine a liter of boiling water (4 cups) and four tablespoons with a slide of dry plants. Keep the composition on fire for five to ten minutes, avoiding seething.

Tea is made from medicinal plants and is replaced with coffee, green and black tea. Useful properties of the drink are stored for a short time. Therefore, you should prepare a tea drink daily and store it in the refrigerator. You can take linden tea without restrictions for a month, then you need a break for two to three weeks.

Blueberry leaf tea Blueberry leaves contain neomyrtillin, a substance that lowers blood sugar.

To prepare a drink, you need to take a tablespoon of ethambutol, finely chopped leaves, pour two glasses of boiling water (500 milliliters) and hold for five minutes over low heat. It is necessary to drink this tea drink fifteen minutes before eating, using the prepared amount of the drink within one day.